Mr. Guang-rong Cheng (the Bahsian Neighborhood location) |
Mr. Cheng, 62 years old, is a Linong Neighborhood Watch team member. Because he often sees children dangerously crossing the street without proper protection, Mr. Cheng voluntarily joined the patrol team to help protect the safety of children going to and from school. He and his family all think that this a very meaningful job, and he receives a lot of support from his family. Mr. Cheng also likes this job very much, which is why he will always be a part of the patrol team to service everybody. |
Mr. Song-hsiu Lo (at the school gate) |
Mr. Lo was very patient in answering all of our questions. After our interview with Mr. Lo, I couldn’t help but to feel that members of the patrol team are truly heroes of our society. They work hard for no pay, engage in tasks that could potentially be dangerous to their own safety, and they never complain about being tired.
Mr. Shih (on alley 258) |
Mr. Ming Shih says he has been a part of the Neighborhood Watch patrol for 10 years. Because helping other people makes him happy, he never feels tired when doing his work. I think Uncle Shih is very passionate about helping others, and that we should emulate and learn from Uncle Shih in not complaining about our responsibilities or about the work that we need to complete, otherwise, we will not be able to do anything well. I would like to say thank you to the Neighborhood Watch Patrol that provides so many valuable services to the residents of our district – they have truly helped enhance everybody’s quality of life. |
Mr. Tian-hou Pan (on Jili St.) |
Mr. Pan has been in the Neighborhood Watch Patrol for 10 years. Although he is a senior, he still is in excellent physical shape to service everybody. His selfless spirit of contribution is something we should learn from.
2012 Li-Nong Elementary School , Taipei , Taiwan - Young Power Team |