1.Are you Beitou residents? Beitou residents accounted for 80%, which is more to this interview Beitou residents based.
3.Do you usually do recovery at home? Interview, 96% of people will do recycling, proves that the Government has implemented policies to promote environmental protection habits of the people, and the other hoping that 4% of people can be in this advocacy, and join the ranks of resource recovery. Category mostly: paper, plastic and aluminum up to iron. Because the interview time is limited, visitors no narrative too much, so the answer is not complete, but we hope that the next promotion of the concept of environmental protection efforts of everyone in the recovery of other items can also be strengthened.
5.Have you ever DIY any environmental things? 75% of people have done it yourself DIY eco-friendly items, visible DIY activities, but good activity for adults and children, regardless of age. DIY items are the most environmentally friendly toys most types of toys more than a car, pinball machines, bamboo guns, bamboo dragonfly, robotics ...... etc, household items with soap and dish soap at most, in fact, a good imagination and hands doing the good ideas to make life a little more fun to pass the time. Did not do 25% of the people, because some people do not know how to do, or is free with no time to do, too little time. Why is the number would be so small? Because some parents will feel too much trouble, do not want to do it.
7.If we supply some DIY informationfor you,would you try? 83% would like to try and think about the recent food safety problems, so that everyone will want, and how to avoid these bad things, but the best way is to do it yourself, if the method is not too difficult, the material is easy made, I believe we all want to try it themselves. We think people will be produced, it should be because the environmental little things do not need to use the money to buy things, as long as the production of recycled goods, and goods are environmentally friendly, does not make people think it will be a very time, or do not know what materials to use, so do not want to make. The survey visit, the previous "green dish soap" production methods, printed into a small gift to help people fill in the questionnaire, and everyone likes it!
9.Would you want to buy the second-hand goods or used appliances?Have you ever buy? 54% would buy a used or recycled supplies, 46% of people do not, bought second-hand goods accounted for the majority, probably because Internet shot and the secondary market and more, most people in such a way to buy things or sell things. Only renewable renewable supplies of toilet paper it was used, second-hand goods to clothes, books, toys, dolls the most, followed by home appliances, bicycles, furniture, etc., there are also some of the more expensive tablets and televisions, some people will buy second-hand, at current racquet developed this industry in the future, may also be a new trend.
11.What do you want to tell these staff of cleaning team and people who work with recovery? Most of the respondents who toil compassionate environmental officials, for their hard work and dedication, not only to the people living in a clean environment, but also gives a natural ecological improvement tales helpful. |
2.Would you have been to Beitou incinerator facility or surrounding it? In the interview, 80% of people living in Beitou, 87 percent of which went to the incinerator and the surrounding facilities, some people are brought to visit the school, and some people are themselves, and have been to almost all of Beitou residents, and some people are not there been Beitou residents. On behalf of the residents here can make good use of incinerators around the free fitness facilities, regard it as a good place for leisure in the ground.
4.Do you know that some things can not recycle it? What do you think can be recycled for reuse items? 91% of people know that the use of recycled materials, some 9 percent fewer people still do not know, there are sophisticated space, can be further enhanced, so that we not only know and can do the implementation, in order to achieve the desired effect. In fact, we all know the benefits of re-use of materials and methods, currently the largest in paper, plastic, bottles, cans iron most people think of coffee grounds very careful to let everyone was surprised, it is a pity the food waste recycling less, I believe in the future, the development of new methods for more recycling, so recycling convenient and easy to use.
6.What is the reason you choose to DIY? 22% of people think that cheap money, 15 percent believe that natural security, among other options, considered the largest DIY can do to pass the time and to have fun in life, more environmentally friendly DIY, you can save a lot of money, natural safe and fun, a good way to really serve multiple purposes.
8.Would you want to find a repair professional to repair some broken things like shoes or umbrella? 63% would take to repair something reused in Beitou area residents are still retains thrifty habits, so much Beitou repair industry, is one of the reasons. 37% of the people, not the bad things Na Quxiu they think is too expensive repairs, it is better to buy a new more cost effective. 10.What do you think the processing of recovery should be improved? Most people have no opinion, only a few people think of plastic bags and styrofoam recycling is not true that the taste of food waste stinks, garbage bags too expensive home more overhead; most of the recommendations we make is garbage bags and food waste problem I think they can be made into compost kitchen waste, kitchen waste to make greater use, we should think about these issues become things can be reused, so the amount of waste less and less. Another part of the people who said that classification should indeed, in order to reduce the burden on staff to make the recovery and improve the recovery of the material can be fully re-use efficiency. The general public will put garbage, kitchen waste and recyclables throw some garbage trucks and recycling in the car, while the garbage truck and recovery vehicle will be sent to incinerators burning these things, most people think there is no smoke, no problem, but in fact there is a big crisis. When burned produces fly ash and bottom ash, because it will not burn so buried in landfills after curing, but landfill Taiwan had almost full, so after more than is necessary to dig a piece of land to bury fly ash and bottom ash. If we can develop some new techniques to deal with these non-combustible material, and our land will not be buried because these things been destroyed. I think the improvement of our resources we need to help with the recovery, not a person or a team can do it too, hoping to hasten the development of new technologies, and do not allow the destruction of our beautiful island. |
2015 Li-Nong Elementary School , Taipei , Taiwan - Recycle Pioneer |