Project category


4.Local Specialties

Project Title


Ready Sweet Go! Yamingshan Tankan

Research Subject


The past and current situation of Yamingshan Tankan.

Research Method


Interview~Interview with recording mode Beitou District Farmers' Association, in a long and grassy citrus farmers. Grassy time for citrus origins, background, geographical distribution, planting methods, problems and future development of marketing methods such as a detailed understanding and records.
Practice Farming~Practical understanding of Grassy citrus planting environment. Led the students allowed to visit the farm, orchard, personally introduced by Grassy citrus fruit, fruit appearance characteristics, growing conditions and driving monkeys, wild boar, beetles and other predators way.
Field exploration~Field exploration terrain, understanding Grassy citrus geographical distribution. Topography and characteristics of a planned record Grassy citrus growing areas of the main, Grassy citrus plotted master distribution areas.
Promting~Students personally involved in promoting experience. Farmers Packet Access classmates, each farm, the mood and feelings written reports, and experience extended to other classmates, and strengthen self-confidence and ability to persuade.
Byproduct~Learn more about Grassy citrus byproduct production purposes. Grassy citrus production using dish soap, jam and tea, citrus understand Grassy addition to food of other purposes.
Data collecte~Data collected in each calendar year retention of records and interviews to discuss and edit a report. With interviews, gathering, etc., to obtain relevant information, made ​​a systematic topics, to strengthen the students respond, thinking and logic skills. Especially in the environmental theme of the research community, inspire the students the courage to explore new things spiritual, is the study of Grassy citrus on interactive teaching materials and new harvest.

Description of "Our Community"


Yangmingshan was originally called "Grassy", Department of the United States and therefore the region fertile soil water, suitable for vegetation growth and its name, producing sea yu, bayberry, vegetables and other crops, but the most famous of which Tankan. Beitou, Shihlin other areas formerly planted tea, six or seven years ago because of the low price of tea, too pounds for only tens of dollars, but the weight of the large citrus production, the price is too high, only to replant Tankan orange. Citrus first floor Cuocun area planted in Luzhou, when Zhang Shilin flat orange seedlings transplanted brothers will really pull the stone sub-Po (now the Palace Museum nearby), and then cultivate citrus seedlings, next to Grassy Zhú Zǐ forest, After Headland, Cukeng, eighteen copies of Jing Que, Que top Jing, Mei Misaki, etc. transplantation, especially since the retrocession of Taiwan, the Tankan's heyday Yangmingshan, Taipei fruit almost by enterprises under the whole package Block hills, sell the northern region, made for export or canned fruit, good Tankan quality, the two weight more than a pound, a pound can sell 50 to 60 million, was more expensive than imported apples to Beitou region economic development rather helpful. But until the 1970s the Republic of Freeway opened, the north-south highway transportation routes through, easy flow of goods between the southern agricultural quickly transported to Taipei, cheap southern labor, agricultural products cheaper than the northern part of the northern agricultural labor due to expensive price high price not decline, unable and southern agricultural competition. As a result, the impact of Taipei stricken agricultural market, farmers are also affected, Yangmingshan area Tankan also poor sales, Citrus Park have been abandoned, the complex due to the outbreak of the early 1992's "HLB" Eighty per cent of the Tankan dead tree, Tankan business more accelerated decline, and now only a few farmers kinds Tankan, the market also sold rare Tankan, Tankan slightly sweet and sour taste, very few people have the opportunity to enjoy the traditional taste is very missed!

Summary of Our Project


Taipei City Elementary School is located in Beitou District Farmers, students are grown in this, to enable students to the formation of life on the home of a unique insight into the whole story, the school teachers and students to conduct special studies Native annually to stimulate local cultural identity in the concept of consciousness. Select Tankan school year as the theme, the other kinds of fruits in Taiwan Taichung Emei, Taitung very rich success, much higher than Yangmingshan, however due to Yangmingshan, Department of volcanic origin, the soil is rich in various minerals, trace elements, and therefore its production of the Tankan, the flavor is different from other regions, while the "Grassy orange" fame, is Yangmingshan very unique product. School teachers and students to integrate power, produce special web pages, in order to enable students to deep understanding of specialty crops in the ground characteristics, triggering feelings of love for their homeland, and combine the information, content network education, training new generations and the future worldwide standards of vision and ability.

Our Computer and Internet Access


A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home: 20%~50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom: none
C. Connection speed used in the classroom: dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet: more than 6

Problems We Had Overcome


In DIY activities, learn Grassy citrus, in addition to food, but the skin and flesh can be used in life, because the peel is rich in essential oils, made ​​cleaning supplies, clean and strong and environmentally friendly. Food safety problems emerge in the occasion to teach students making use of Grassy citrus marmalade and orange tea, authentic, enjoy not add any processed food, peace of mind and nutritious.
Because mostly farmers, through referrals in the long introduction, let us in addition to interviews, also visited the orchard, tasting different varieties of each Tankan. The respondents, the average age of over 70 years, mostly in Hokkien-speaking, typing records often do not understand the contents of the recording, we must then ask the teacher or parents.
Collect data
On the network in addition to the information searching, mostly, in the long and farmers provided by the Beitou Farmers, when searching in the network, although a lot of information, but like many things, only one filter, and discuss integration Each set of data, spend a lot of time.
Interview records
This project need a lot of interview, so it intends to spend a lot of time in question, records, although long access time, but the lack of information can be recorded and became the biggest upset those records had telephone access again to make up enough information.
Website making
this team combination, set the focus in the sixth grade to create web pages using software usually learned in class, first make photo editing and text layout, the lunch break, the teacher then add special effects, automation and grammar courses, found usually felt on computer class is interesting, but too much content, still feel a little pressure, but I hope we can be like the last, like seniors, to create beautiful pages.

Our Project Sound Bite


After initially selected topics, and we can not do without "Grassy orange" topic every day, as well as everyone's facebook and line stickers are replaced Grassy citrus theme, strongly recommended Grassy delicious orange. Whether eating Tankan, playing Tankan, do Tankan, painting Tankan, are fun activities. Interviews to understand the efforts and hard work of farmers, the farmers said: "The people of the lowest animals", and other animals are fed, the rest of what we eat, change our ideas, we are no longer just a waste of food , the mood will be thankful and cherish the food we eat. With this website, please continue to support the distinctive and delicious "Grassy Kom" I hope the farmers a good harvest every year, so that "Grassy orange" in Beitou been thrive.


2014 Li-Nong Elementary School,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.- Home of Wee Oranges