Lin,Yue-xuan Wu,Yi-chen Chen,Pei-hua Chen,Peng ying Ye,Yu-hao Lin,Zhen-yan Xie,Ruo-han Li,Shao-an Lin,Xiang-ting Lin,Zi-yan Lin,Wei-jie Lin,Xin-yi Wei,Cheng-xun Wang,Qi-jun Li,Chen-hao Zhuang,Ya-qi Pan,Li-ting
Keep a work journal on a regular basis.
Look up information regarding "Yamingshan Tankan" on the Net and in the library.
Design interview guides for different objects.
Interview "Yamingshan Tankan" related objects.
Record the interview and write an interview essay.
Videotape interviews and shoot pictures.
Discuss and design the questionnaires.
Use software tools to process pictures and analysis questionnaire.
Make web pages under the instructions of teachers.
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Summon conferences, explain the purpose and the timeline of the project.
Assist students to make draft outline for this project research.
Instruct students to sort data and make summaries.
Instruct students how to use required hardwares and soft wares.
Accompany students for the interviews and experiences.
Make arrangements for the interviews and experiences.
Instruct and assist students to use cameras and video cameras during the interviews.
Teach and assist students to make web pages.ges under the instructions of teachers.
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Respondents Elders,farmers, promoters and vendors)
Be the interviewees.
Accompany students in some activities.
Provide information and explanation.
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