Yesterday supposed to and Pei Hua, Yue Xuan & Zhangwan Zhen teacher to visit in Datun in long, but Yue Xuan can not go, what a shame. Zhang said soon arrived, but we have come a long mountain, Pei Hua to last a little motion sickness, but fortunately no serious. After some time, and finally to the Datun Elementary School, I heard a small country located in the vicinity of where the office did not appear, and continue moving forward, he saw a local road after he asked the students to know that this is not a short distance between two . Feeling and after a long, finally. Destination "above", still have to walk to reach the slopes, and the sky raining, holding an umbrella to action ... a bit inconvenient. I hold an umbrella of Pei Hua, walking and watching the water "race" - is also full of fun! Easy to see inside the far longer enthusiastic waving to us, who entered the office chair is ready for us to sit down, please, really warm and friendly, no wonder there can be long when ten years. Fieldwork began, due to the previously accessed Yue Xuan are not responsible for, Pei Hua also recorded on the original charge of recording & add me to serve. Beginning super nervous! Afraid to accidentally make a mistake or slip of the tongue. Although teachers also have to help, but really awful ... but fortunately did not last what a big mistake, the visit was carried out smoothly, in the long gave us a bottle of "orange oil", thank Lane long! But return ratio expected late a lot, not any signal in the mountains, unable to contact the family and let them worry about it!
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2014 Li-Nong Elementary School,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.- Home of Wee Oranges |