Farmer owns this field, because do not want to neglect, and efforts to save a year of hard to catch insects, weeding, fertilizing and preventing eating animals destroyed, the remaining crops, sell the resulting costs and inadequate. " see day to eat "really is not an easy task, but there are so delicious Tankan, we hope, will continue to grow significantly in Yangmingshan, and receive good care. Miles long and took us to a very broad orchards, warm and generous farmhouse also send us a lot of oranges. Because just rained, soft soil under their feet stepped up so comfortable, while listening to the concentration of people quietly tell the history of the rise and fall Tankan, while looking at the storm of blue sky, feeling very quiet, like walking into Among the a pastoral painting. | |
2014 Li-Nong Elementary School,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.- Home of Wee Oranges |