



Pruning and trimming~ Pruning purpose is to develop the ideal tree, while pruning is a means to achieve this purpose. Pruning and trimming to make the cultivation of citrus, citrus Choushao annual average 3 to 4 times, if allowed to grow naturally, then shoots many and messy, not only the inner canopy illumination is insufficient, and could easily lead to poor ventilation and serious pest. Good job the whole dry pruning can develop good tree to facilitate orchard management, can help increase the quality and yield of the tree while improving the efficiency of photosynthesis by light volume, adjust the vegetative and reproductive growth, and stability.
Thinning ~ Citrus physiological factors or due to improper management, the results often lead to flowering or unstable, are the size of the phenomenon, the result of many flowering Danian, excessive consumption of nutrients, resulting in little or no flowers bloom the following year, the formation of small years, and the tree After a year of accumulated body of nutrients, but also a lot of years to bear fruit again, causing farm income is very unstable. To avoid citrus results next year, divided by pruning and fertilizer management to regulate the growth potential, but must also be improved with thinning.
Clean orchards ~ Clean orchards and fruit thinning of broken branches after pruning often a hotbed of germs and pests, should be cleared after pruning to reduce pests and diseases. In autumn and winter, for example, cut off the dead branches and transported from the orchard or destroyed, can effectively remove the black spot pathogen; while fruit fly larvae will pupate in the soil surface, so the number of set fruit drop buried, can be blocked off its life cycle, and gradually lower density populations of fruit flies.
Sod Culture~ Sod Culture orchard grass raw cultivation increased soil organic matter content, helps to reduce soil to allow water evaporation and prevent rainfall soil splash, reduce the spread of soil diseases in hillside orchard but also protect the topsoil, to avoid soil by rain erosion, and therefore the existing orchards Management does not recommend the use of multiple herbicide weed. Sod Culture is not simply leave the orchard weeds and grasses should actively choose to stay properly in order not to affect the normal operation of the orchard grass raw mode and can reduce maintenance frequency of management.
Harvesting and Storage ~ Harvest maturity as a result of fresh citrus or storage needs of different fresh ripe more able to express richer variety characteristics and flavor, if you grab the early harvest of poor quality. The citrus, orange Tankan and who want to sell before storage, are more fresh harvest of about 2 to 3 weeks earlier, when high acidity easier storage. Harvesting operations should be in fine weather and air drying time, to avoid the rain picking fruit, fruit picking positioning must be taken when picking fruit, fruit reduce strain or stabbed fruit.

2014 Li-Nong Elementary School,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.- Home of Wee Oranges