Citrus is the first one of the world's production of fruit trees, the main producing areas located within the range of 35 degrees latitude north and south, the main producing countries in sequence as Brazil, USA, China, Mexico and Spain. Citrus fruit trees Rutaceae (Rutaceae), the Rutaceae genus of about 150 and 1,500 species of fruit trees available for use: yellow metal (Clausena), Citrus aurantium is (Poncirus), kumquat genus (Fortunella), citrus ( Citrus).

    Orange Class (Sweet oranges)
    accounted for approximately 58.3% of the world citrus production for Europe, Brazil mainly cultivated species. Most fruit juice processing, under which they can be divided [General orange (common oranges)], [orange] (Navel oranges), blood orange [] (blood oranges), sugar, orange [] (sugar oranges), etc. 4 systems.

    Tangerines (Mandarins and Tangerines) and hybrid citrus -
    orange bridge output accounted for 20.5% of the world, most with fresh, mainly Origin: China, Japan, Taiwan, Spain.

    Lemon (Lemons) and lime (Limes)
    is an acid fruit with citrus, accounted for 11.2 percent worldwide, lemon or subtropical Mediterranean climate suitable type; Lyme suitable for tropical marine climate type.

    Grapefruit (Grapefruits) and pomelo (Pomelo or Shaddack)
    accounting for about 4.5% of world production, grapefruit production up to the United States; pummelo in Southeast Asia, southern China produce more.

    Miscellaneous citrus
    orange representing the world's other miscellaneous 5.4%, mostly endemic species such as kumquat and so on.


2014 Li-Nong Elementary School,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.- Home of Wee Oranges