Qian Hui
    Aternoon we went to the third floor and three second class audiovisual classroom listening to the girls in our class oranges - Report Yue, Hua, Chen, done! The three girls went to visit a particular species Tankan years, very experienced Mr. Chan, Mr. Chan also offers orchards give them experience, as they explain, so I was introduced by them to be like us. In their commentary, so I learned, "Tankan" introduced by 1789. Fit at an altitude of 250 to 750 meters planting.

    Xin Yu
    Audiovisual classroom listening to a presentation by Lin Yue Xuan, Wuyi Chen, Chen Pei Hua production, after their detailed citrus origin, origin, etc. ......, citrus was introduced in Taiwan in 1789, citrus suited produced in about 250-750 a 200-meter altitude areas grams of oranges is equal to 65 calories, each animal has its natural enemies, predators like citrus is beetles, monkeys, squirrels, wild boar, fruit flies, these predators will eat citrus pulp inside away, so that farmers suffered heavy losses, and therefore three classes of teachers say a word, so I think it makes sense, she said: "leftover worms is to humans!"

    Yu Wei
    Afternoon, go on about oranges courses are three girls in our class to do, is to introduce the Tankan, why is it called Tankan? because when applicable bucket loaded before sent from the Fujian region, so called Tankan, orange 200 grams and only 65 calories, you can prevent gastrointestinal cancers, liver disease, arteriosclerosis, of course, she also has a natural enemy, the most serious is the beetles, as well as monkeys, wild boar, squirrels and flies are all.

    Ya Xuan
    Afternoon, we went to the classroom to listen multifunction Pei Hua, Chen Yi, Yue Xuan reported "orange" heat orange tree is about 250 grams, equal to 65 kcal, and citrus have A, B, C, etc. Vitamin Oh! There ah ...... citrus predators are squirrels, wild boars, monkeys, beetles, citrus can also be used to do a lot of small experiments it! Today the addition of citrus know it!

    Today audiovisual classroom teacher let us listen to the sixth grade, three sisters explain Yangmingshan Tankan "orange", he has said a lot of things about the Tankan, so I was most impressed by is the "natural enemies is Tankan who "have beetles, squirrels, wild boar ...... and so on, there are many Tankan predators, he also said that orange DIY, finally," quiz "activity, guess right You can also get a mandarin orange, we are scrambling to raise their hands, because everyone wants mandarin orange, some people in our class got oranges, they get very excited, and I hope I can get a good mandarin orange.

    Today we went to the third floor of a classroom listening to audio-visual presentation on Tankan big sister, in fact, the first time we have to go when the teacher said Yangmingshan now I remember.
    Tankan big sister to introduce natural enemies, and I know what has beetles, squirrels, wild boar and fruit flies, the results are related to the big sister as I remember it! Come is our DIY activities we do all the above activities like a balloon with a broken, make sandwiches as well as DIY detergent ...... etc. Finally, the big sister of the quiz, answer the you can get a Yangmingshan Tankan, these topics so we will let seniors, Xuezi first guess, come on for us to answer our almost no wrong answer really happy!
    This time I listened to a briefing upper years of experience, more learned Yangmingshan Tankan There are many legends and stories of many, but there are some animals Yangmingshan not seen it!


2014 Li-Nong Elementary School,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.- Home of Wee Oranges
